The Earth Collective

Client :

The Earth Collective

Services :

Tools :


The Earth Collective revolutionises the industry with its natural and chemical-free formulations, inspiring a shift towards natural hair care solutions backed by research & studies. Their powerful hair care products resonate with their loyal customers, making a significant impact on their hair health and transforming the way they approach hair care.

Challenges :

Persuasive Emails That Boost Engagement & Conversions

One of the major challenges faced was creating captivating email campaigns that effectively conveyed the brand’s value and unique selling points. Additionally, there was a need to drive customer engagement, boost website traffic, and ultimately increase conversions through email marketing efforts. The task at hand involved developing persuasive content and strategies that would resonate with the target audience, compelling them to take action, visit the website, and make purchases.


Define Target Audience

Thorough market research was conducted to identify the target audience and their preferences. The email list was then segmented based on factors such as hair care concerns, sustainability interests, and purchasing behaviours, allowing more personalised and targeted email campaigns.

Compelling Content Creation

We crafted compelling email content that effectively communicated the value proposition of The Earth Collective and showcased its unique selling points. Our focus was on highlighting the use of natural ingredients, formulations free of harmful chemicals, and their commitment to being hair specialists.

Personalisation & Segmentation

By segmenting the customer data, we customised email campaigns to deliver personalised experiences. Content and offers were tailored to individual preferences, resulting in increased engagement and conversion rates. Intriguing subject lines were created, capturing subscribers’ attention and improving open rates

Visual Appeal & Clear Call-to-action

Along with incorporating visually appealing designs and imagery that align with The Earth Collective’s branding, the emails were improved with high-quality product images and lifestyle visuals. The aesthetic appeal of the emails is complemented by clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) that guide recipients to the homepage or specific product pages.

Promotional Offers & Exclusive Content

To foster engagement and encourage repeat purchases, we offered exclusive incentives & discounts to the email subscribers. By creating a sense of exclusivity, we provided limited-time promotions and early access to new product releases, further engaging the audience.

Test & Analyse

By consistently monitoring key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, we diligently tracked the performance of our email campaigns. Through thorough A/B testing, we fine-tuned subject lines, content, and design elements to maximise engagement and effectiveness.



Group emailers 1
Eamiler 2

Average Open Rate - 34%

Average Click-through Rate - 0.6%

Abandoned Cart (Open Rate) - 69%

Solution :

Segmented Campaigns That Increased Open Rates

Through research and successful email segmentation, we attained remarkable email open rates and kept the audience engaged through compelling content. Moreover, incorporating visually appealing elements and strategically placing clear calls-to-action (CTAs) significantly boosted website traffic. Additionally, our personalised email approach, combined with iterative testing of creative subject lines, resulted in the growth of click-through and conversion rates.


Upmail serves as our proprietary email marketing management platform, providing a range of tailored features including customised email campaigns, comprehensive reporting, and in-depth performance analytics. 


This robust platform enables us to maximise the effectiveness of our email marketing efforts, ensuring targeted and personalised communication, while also equipping us with the necessary tools to track and analyse campaign performance for informed decision-making.



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