
Client :


Services :

Tools :


Fanztar is a platform that empowers creators to connect with their fan communities. By offering fans an opportunity to join the creators’ exclusive community through Fan Cards, it grants them the ability to own a share of the creators’ growth.

Challenges :

Strategising Email Campaigns & Attracting New Influencers

One of the main challenges was to establish Fanztar as a viable earning option and attracting new users required careful strategizing and execution in the email marketing campaigns. 


Overcoming this challenge involved creating compelling content that highlighted the unique benefits of the platform, showcasing success stories of influencers, and implementing targeted email campaigns to reach the desired audience effectively.


Build Brand Awareness

We crafted a compelling series of email campaigns with the primary goal of boosting brand awareness. Our content strategy focused on attracting the target audience and showcasing the unique value propositions of Fanztar. We emphasised the platform’s distinctive feature of offering earning opportunities for influencers and followers.

Create Compelling Content

Our emails were packed with informative, entertaining content and focused on the latest influencers who have joined the Fanztar community. We made sure to highlight the platform’s standout features, reflecting the exciting earning opportunities that await influencers and their loyal followers. 

Target Influencers & Followers

Segmented to influencers and their devoted followers, the emails were tailored to tap into the followers’ aspirations, and highlight Fanztar as a gateway for content creators to monetise their influence. By delivering personalised emails, the aim was to shed light on the transformative opportunities that Fanztar has for influencers and followers.

Optimise Email Design For Impact

Designed with the target audience in mind, our emails were designed to attract subscribers by seamlessly combining visual appeal with optimal display across various devices and emailing clients. By using stunning images, compelling copy, and call-to-action buttons, our strategic approach aimed to inspire clicks and foster active engagement.

Provide Updates

To instil trust and solidify Fanztar’s position in the industry, we incorporated emails showcasing the platform’s growth. Our strategy featured interviews and accolades from prominent online and offline channels. By highlighting the recognition and endorsement received by Fanztar, we aimed to install confidence and demonstrate credibility.

Analyse & Iterate

Through consistent monitoring and analysis, we kept a close eye on the performance of our email campaigns, leveraging key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. By diving into the data, we set up patterns and highlighted areas for improvement, allowing us to make data-driven adjustments to our email marketing strategy.



Group Emailers

Average Open Rate - 39%

Average Click-through Rate — 1%

Average Unique Views - 8820

Solution :

Personalised Emails With Engaging Content

We curated informative and entertaining content, showcasing the newest influencers and emphasising the earning potential. By segmenting our emails to target influencers and their followers, we delivered personalised messages that resonated with their aspirations. 


Further, we optimised email designs to enhance visual appeal and engagement, while updating featured interviews and accolades established trust and credibility. This resulted in improved open & engagement rates, along with a growth in new subscribers.


Upmail serves as our proprietary email marketing management platform, providing a range of tailored features including customised email campaigns, comprehensive reporting, and in-depth performance analytics. 


This robust platform enables us to maximise the effectiveness of our email marketing efforts, ensuring targeted and personalised communication, while also equipping us with the necessary tools to track and analyse campaign performance for informed decision-making.

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